Craftsbury Historical Society Videos
Craftsbury Historical Society presenting history of Craftsbury Fire Department
7/19/17 Craftsbury Historical Society Program (Part 3 of 3, continued) Jimmy and Andy Moffatt, Everitt Demeritt reminiscing about their early days in Craftsbury and North Wolcott schools.
This presentation is a result of Jim's having decided to research the history of his house in Craftsbury village, next to the General Store. It turns out that there is plenty of history to discover, including an account of the 1931 fire that burned barns, houses, and the third floor of the General Store. It is obvious that Jim has done his homework, and the result is an engaging snapshot of a particular place in time, as well as a road map that anyone interested in exploring the history of their own property might follow. 5/21
This is our third video in the Craftsbury (Vt) Historical Society's ongoing series of ZOOM 'Craftstory' interviews. Today we interviewed Jim Moffatt, a lifelong resident of the town who was born in the same house on the Branch Road that he still lives in today. His principal occupation has been as a tree farmer - and you'll hear him declare that the Christmas tree business is as strong as, or stronger than, it has ever been. His 'Craftstory' deserves to be told, and preserved. We'll continue conducting these interviews as long as there are folks in town willing to pull up a chair and tell us their story. 5/2023
Video CraftStories
April 21, 2023 at the Craftsbury, Vermont Town Hall. The Craftsbury Historical Society used the town's ZOOM equipment to record - audio and video - the 'Craftstories' of five women of Craftsbury: Michelle Warren, Allison Van Akkeren, Peggy Sapphire, Mabel Houghton, and Carol Ceraldi. We are collecting these 2023 stories because we believe that they are as important as the stories represented by the historical portraits and artifacts in our museum, and as such deserve to be told, recorded and preserved. Our 'Craftstories' project is open ended; this is the first video using ZOOM technology of the many that we intend to record over the months, and years, that will follow.
Since the current board structure of the Craftsbury Historical Society is composed of all folks who have come from elsewhere, I reached out to Joe Young and his older brother Bob, both of whom were born and raised locally in a family with generational roots. They consented to take me on a tour along town roads, and as different location inspired a remembrance, they told me the story, and I recorded it. This two-hour+ video is the result.
Here is a link to the transcript breakdown:
This is the second in a series of ZOOM interviews conducted under the auspices of the Craftsbury (VT) Historical Society. We were anticipating working with a panel of participants. It turns out that only one person appeared to be interviewed: Eric Britton. Eric's story in Craftsbury began when he, his wife Laura and son Kyle bought and operated the ELK's Village Store, which is where the C Village Store now operates. Eric rose in the ranks of the fire department to eventually become Chief. Here he's being interviewed by Craftsbury Historical Society President Don Houghton. 5/2023
CHS “Tragedy Road”
This is Part 1 of the video taken on September 3, 2020 on the occasion of Dave Linck's history walk on the Common, where he spoke about 4 of the older buildings on the east side of the Common, in turn. He entitled his talk: 'Tragedy Road'. This is during the time of Covid; those attending wore masks, and maintained social distancing.
September 20, 2017. Craftsbury Historical Society program on the life and legacy of Miss Jean Walker Simpson, Part 1.
"An Irreverent Walk Through The Nooks and Crannies of the Wee Hoose" July 17, 2009, at the 'Wee Hoose', aka Craftsbury Historical Society on Craftsbury Common, Vermont. Local Historian Dave Linck takes us on a guided tour of the museum, with a focus on stories that might raise an eyebrow or two.
Craftsbury Fire Department, Part 2 (Continued)
Craftsbury Historical Society event, July 19, 2017, Craftsbury Common, Vermont. Jimmy and Andy Moffatt, along with Everitt Demerit, speak to a crowd of about 50 people of their early days in local Craftsbury and North Wolcott schools. Part 1 of 3
Craftsbury (Vermont) Historical Society, July 19, 2017. Part one of two.
Reminiscences of growing up in Craftsbury, Vt, by three life-long residents of the town: Anne Wilson, Paula Massé and Roberta Alexander.
CHS “Tragedy Road “
This is Part 2 of the video taken on September 3 on the occasion of Dave Linck's history walk on the Common, where he spoke about 4 of the older buildings on the east side of the Common, in turn. He entitled his talk: 'Tragedy Road'. This is during the time of Covid; those attending wore masks, and maintained social distancing.
September 20, 2017. Craftsbury Historical Society program on the life and legacy of Miss Jean Walker Simpson, Part 2.
Part 2 of "An Irreverant Walk Through the Nooks and Crannies of the Wee Hoose", July 17, 2019, at the Craftsbury Historical Society Museum. Presented by Dave Linck, Craftsbury's 'Linck With Our Past'.
7/19/17 Craftsbury Historical Society Program (continued; part 2 of 3). Jimmy and Andy Moffatt, Everitt Demeritt reminiscing about their early schooling in Craftsbury and North Wolcott schools.
Craftsbury (Vermont) Historical Society, July 19, 2017. Part two of two.
Reminiscences of growing up in Craftsbury, Vt, by three life-long residents of the town: Anne Wilson, Paula Massé and Roberta Alexander.
Video Footage from Bunny Sweatt Film Reels
Old Home Day (in the 1970’s)
Old Home Day (in the 1970’s)
Balloon Landing at Old Home Day (1970s)