100th Old Home Day

There's a lot to go over from yesterday's very successful 100th Old Home Day. It started in the pouring rain, though soon cleared up; soon, everything was in place: our new banner, the canopy set up, the table set up, the easel with the 'fun historical quiz' ready to go, the chariot brought over, the young athletes from the Outdoor Center appearing as promised to give chariot rides, their willingness to wear the newly-fashioned horse heads to lend an air of playfulness to their efforts, a number of people showing up with artifacts that were documented through photograph and audio recording, the Newport Band showed up on time and played wonderful music that included Bagley's National Emblem March, the chariot pulled by two more COC athletes who pulled the woman who had been 'Miss Old Home Day 1968' (she regretted that she hadn't brought along the sash she wore back then proclaiming her title)...It was a wonderfully busy day, and I'm filled with gratitude for all the people who donated time and energy to make it happen.

There are to be a lot of photos in this space. Here are two to start us off:


Samel Craft’s Canal


Craftsbury History 101